Keep your training up to date by attending our annual refresher days
Where: ArbTrack – 13/17-23 Keppel Drive, Hallam VIC
When: Monthly*
Time: 8.00am
Duration: 1 day
Delivery: Classroom and Practical Exercises
Units / Modules
UETDRMP005 – Perform elevated work platform rescue
UETDRMP004 – Perform elevated work platform controlled descent escape
HLTAID009 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
UETDRMP010 – Provide first aid in an ESI environment
SAD’s – Safe Approach Distances – Vegetation Work
For more information or to book a place contact us
Email: [email protected]
Ph: (03) 9707 5602
Please register your interest below – our office will contact you to confirm your booking
(dates are subject to change without notice)